Thursday, June 23, 2011

Men: Stand Up! Speak Up! Tell The Truth!

Am I the only married man outraged by the media’s brutal attack on Anthony Weiner? When did married men become so emasculated that they can sit back and watch a gender brother be publically ridiculed, scorned, condemned and then stripped of everything he achieved simply because he flirted with women on the internet? I can’t think of another group of individuals, including and especially women, who would sit by passively while this level of exposure was ruthlessly doled out upon one of their own.

How disconnected from our masculinity do we have to be not to hear the message being delivered to us? If you missed it, listen up: “In light of the events that forced Anthony Weiner to resign, it is hereby declared that any married man caught wandering into the Anthony Weiner Zone of Shame will have his life, the life of his wife and the life of his unborn child catastrophically changed forever.”

My gender brothers, where are you? The noose around our collective necks just got yanked tighter. Is that what we want? If we don’t speak out against this subjugation, our silence will legitimize this treatment and give our culture permission to indict us at their whim.

Millions of married men satisfy harmless sexual fantasies on the internet everyday. So what? It is none of our business. Why should the media be allowed to use a man’s sexual fantasies against him? They shouldn’t. We have to stand up for our gender brothers or they will continue to be skewered and who knows, you may be next. Imagine how your life would change if your sexual fantasies cost you your job, your marriage and your relationship with your family, friends and children.

All healthy, virile, heterosexual men are connected to one other by virtue of their God-given sexuality. We did not choose our sexuality any more than we chose our elbow. Our sex drive is a natural occurring force of nature; it is organic and unstoppable. That’s a fact, like it, or not. But since we have no Oprah to enlighten the masses or defend this essential part of our masculinity, we have to defend ourselves. The media made millions of dollars each day and their ratings soared because they kept the Anthony Weiner story alive. They profited while they systematically destroyed a man, his career and his family. Why did they do it? Because they could! And, they had Anthony Weiner’s help. If Anthony Weiner had told his wife his sexual truth, the media would not have had a story.

Men, do yourselves a favor. Tell your mate your sexual truth. If you like porn, say so. If you like lap dances say so. Be honest. If you tell the truth to the people who matter, no one can “out” you, no one can manipulate you and no one can hurt you. Speak your truth before it’s too late, before we are completely neutered. Be a hero for your sons and grandsons. Some day they will thank you for it.